Bauer AG5NT stick is the only stick in the industry to utilize the unique properties of BORON, a revolutionary, ultra-lightweight fiber material with ...More
Bauer AG5NT stick is the only stick in the industry to utilize the uni...
JETSPEED FT6 PRO hockey stick introduces a new shaft technology, Nanolite Shield, composed of thicker carbon fiber layers protecting the stick's ultra...More
JETSPEED FT6 PRO hockey stick introduces a new shaft technology, Nanol...
Show your opponent you're the real deal. Get ready to make the crowd go wild with the JETSPEED FT5 Pro hockey stick. The RR-90 blade is now improved w...More
Show your opponent you're the real deal. Get ready to make the crowd g...
New for the 2022 season, Bauer is changing the game with their Nexus hockey stick line. Designed to control the game, the Nexus stick line will make s...More
New for the 2022 season, Bauer is changing the game with their Nexus h...
Introducing the EOS-50 hockey stick - high-end performance at an affordable price. 18K carbon weave, minimalist design, low kickpoint, and popular pat...More
Introducing the EOS-50 hockey stick - high-end performance at an affor...
Show your opponent you're the real deal. Get ready to make the crowd go wild with the JETSPEED FT5 Pro hockey stick. The RR-90 blade is now improved w...More
Show your opponent you're the real deal. Get ready to make the crowd g...
New for the 2022 season, Bauer is changing the game with their Nexus hockey stick line. Designed to control the game, the Nexus stick line will make s...More
New for the 2022 season, Bauer is changing the game with their Nexus h...
JETSPEED FT6 PRO hockey stick introduces a new shaft technology, Nanolite Shield, composed of thicker carbon fiber layers protecting the stick's ultra...More
JETSPEED FT6 PRO hockey stick introduces a new shaft technology, Nanol...
The Nexus stick line will make shooting, passing, and stick handling feel like second nature. The Bauer Nexus E3 Hockey Stick is specifically designed...More
The Nexus stick line will make shooting, passing, and stick handling f...
TRUE’s flagship HZRDUS PX weighs in at 345g, making it the lightest stick on the market. RESFLO Technology offers unmatched weight reduction while m...More
TRUE’s flagship HZRDUS PX weighs in at 345g, making it the lightest ...
The Ribcor Trigger 7 is continuing to use Advanced Carbon Matrix technology combined with sigmatex spread tow. Sigmatex’s new carbon weave improves ...More
The Ribcor Trigger 7 is continuing to use Advanced Carbon Matrix techn...
Introducing the Project X Stick from TRUE Hockey, new for 2021 and available while supplies last. This limited release stick has been overhauled by TR...More
Introducing the Project X Stick from TRUE Hockey, new for 2021 and ava...
By combining nanolite carbon layering technology with new Sigma STp carbon weave, the new Ribcor Trigger 7 Pro has a better balance point and weighs l...More
By combining nanolite carbon layering technology with new Sigma STp ca...
Bauer AG5NT stick is the only stick in the industry to utilize the unique properties of BORON, a revolutionary, ultra-lightweight fiber material with ...More
Bauer AG5NT stick is the only stick in the industry to utilize the uni...
The new tacks AS-V Pro is a modern redesign of a powerful mid kickpoint stick, with a completely new shaft geometry allowing for a comfortable grip, e...More
The new tacks AS-V Pro is a modern redesign of a powerful mid kickpoin...
By combining nanolite carbon layering technology with new Sigma STp carbon weave, the new Ribcor Trigger 7 Pro has a better balance point and weighs l...More
By combining nanolite carbon layering technology with new Sigma STp ca...
The CCM TACKS AS-V hockey stick is perfect for hockey players looking for superior performance and power. Its advanced carbon layering makes this stic...More
The CCM TACKS AS-V hockey stick is perfect for hockey players looking ...
The Warrior Covert QR5 Pro Stick ushers in a new era for Covert with its signature feather-light feel with a deadly quick shot release, but now with...More
The Warrior Covert QR5 Pro Stick ushers in a new era for Covert with...
JETSPEED FT6 PRO hockey stick introduces a new shaft technology, Nanolite Shield, composed of thicker carbon fiber layers protecting the stick's ultra...More
JETSPEED FT6 PRO hockey stick introduces a new shaft technology, Nanol...